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樓主: artlesstw

hobbyking 網頁已打不開是倒閉了嗎?

 樓主| 發表於 2013年11月3日 09:21 PM | 顯示全部樓層
a_0207 發表於 2013年10月30日 06:34 PM

paypal有告訴我,如有多人次向hobby king買東西而沒有收到貨或是被hobby king為難
人次多他們就會開始調查hobby king 這家公司有沒有問題
 樓主| 發表於 2013年11月4日 02:38 PM | 顯示全部樓層
artlesstw 發表於 2013年11月3日 09:21 PM
paypal有告訴我,如有多人次向hobby king買東西而沒有收到貨或是被hobby k ...

hobby king 真的很會裝死與鬼扯
這個hobby king真的比共產黨還要共產黨…

 樓主| 發表於 2013年11月4日 03:57 PM | 顯示全部樓層
Start Time: 11/04/2013 15:00:35
End Time: 11/04/2013 15:52:48
Operators: Jayla
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Operator Jayla has joined the chat.
[15:00:35] Jayla: Hi HUNGYU , We are currently assisting multiple number of chats. Delay in response may take a few minutes. Rest assured that we will assist you. How may I help you?
[15:00:59] HUNGYU : 2007564517 這訂單到底是怎麼樣?
[15:01:38] HUNGYU : 不是 9月10日開始調查
[15:01:48] HUNGYU : 10月10日調查結束?
[15:02:06] HUNGYU : 10月10日要求退款至paypal
[15:02:18] HUNGYU : 10月23日你們才退款
[15:02:28] HUNGYU : 卻退到hobbyking 帳戶當點數
[15:02:36] HUNGYU : 當日要求退回paypal
[15:03:00] HUNGYU : 10月30日你們hobbyking點數扣除並通知會退回paypal
[15:03:07] HUNGYU : 是關?
[15:03:10] HUNGYU : 是嗎?
[15:08:45] Jayla: As the payment for your order 2007564517 was made over 60 days ago, the refund will take longer to process as we escalate the refund request to the higher management. Please check your PayPal account for updates and inform us if you did not receive your refund.
[15:08:50] Jayla: Is there anything else I may help you with?
[15:09:10] HUNGYU : 沒有收到
[15:09:12] HUNGYU : 確認了
[15:09:19] HUNGYU : paypal已告訴我沒有收到你們通知
[15:09:25] HUNGYU : 要退回這筆錢
[15:10:06] HUNGYU : 請問…你真的能幫我嗎?
[15:29:16] Jayla: Yes because you will receive the money after 30 days.
[15:29:23] Jayla: I mean after 60 days.
[15:29:33] Jayla: It was stated above.
[15:29:51] HUNGYU : 我付錢到現在都已70多天了
[15:30:06] HUNGYU : 你們的規定是付錢
[15:30:11] HUNGYU : 你們不出貨
[15:30:16] HUNGYU : 客人要退款
[15:30:25] HUNGYU : 要付款後超過100天才能退款是嗎?
[15:39:18] Jayla: Dont worry we already processed you a refund. We just have to wait finish the process.
[15:39:42] HUNGYU : Rachel HobbyKing Support Centre
[15:39:51] HUNGYU : Hi hungyu , Thanks for contacting the HobbyKing Support Team. Please check your order account.before we did not receive our warehouse confirmation,we can not cancel your order and refund to your paypal account.once our warehouse approve cancel order ok,we will refund you .Sorry for the waiting time.because usually scanned order takes longer time to cancel. Thanks for emailing support. If you have any other questions, please let me know. Regards. Rachel HobbyKing Support Team Dont forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for discounts and promotions! http://www.rctw.net/HobbyKing www.twitter.com/hobbykinglive November 04, 2013 14:10
[15:39:59] HUNGYU : 他為何傳這個通知給我?
[15:51:10] Jayla: We already have processed your a refund last 23/10/2013
[15:51:23] Jayla: Funds will be available after 60 days.
[15:51:29] Jayla: Is that clear?
[15:51:46] HUNGYU : 12月23日才能收到錢?
[15:52:03] HUNGYU : 為什麼之前的客服說七日
Operator Jayla has left the chat.
The chat is ended.
 樓主| 發表於 2013年11月4日 05:35 PM | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 artlesstw 於 2013年11月4日 05:36 PM 編輯
artlesstw 發表於 2013年11月4日 03:57 PM

於16:57 分時收到PAYPAL的來信通知
告之『經由PAYPAL向店家聯絡,HOBBY KING已準備退款了
這是PAYPAL的功勞,而不是HOBBY KING 主動退款
而這個HOBBY KING的線上客服人員還不小心說漏嘴

Start Time: 11/04/201315:57:29
End Time: 11/04/2013 17:29:19
Operators: Julian
Please wait for a site operator to respond...
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Operator Julian has joined the chat.
[15:57:29] Julian: Hi HUNGYU , I hope you're doing well. How may I help you?
[15:57:48] HUNGYU : 2007564517 這訂單到底是怎麼樣?
[15:57:53] HUNGYU : 不是 9月10日開始調查
[15:57:56] HUNGYU : 10月10日調查結束?
[15:58:00] HUNGYU : 10月10日要求退款至paypal
[15:58:06] HUNGYU : 10月23日你們才退款
[15:58:11] HUNGYU : 卻退到hobbyking 帳戶當點數
[15:58:15] HUNGYU : 當日要求退回paypal
[15:58:20] HUNGYU : 10月30日你們hobbyking點數扣除並通知會退回paypal
[15:58:24] HUNGYU : 是嗎?
[16:00:14] Julian: Let me check your order. One moment please.
[16:25:08] HUNGYU : 你已看25分鐘了
[16:33:13] Julian: As the payment for your order 2007564517 was made beyond 60days ago,the refund will take time as we will escalate this to our higher ups.We will suggest that you contact Paypal from time to time for updates regardingthis. We are sorry but rest assured that we are doing the process as fast as wecan. *assign job to KennethTse in database.
[16:33:42] HUNGYU : 沒有收到
[16:33:48] HUNGYU : 確認了
[16:33:52] HUNGYU : paypal已告訴我沒有收到你們通知
[16:33:57] HUNGYU : 要退回這筆錢
[16:34:01] HUNGYU : 請問…你真的能幫我嗎?
[16:34:48] Julian: Sir you will still to wait because our payment departmentrefunded as of 30/10/2013 you have until 60 days
[16:35:25] HUNGYU : 所以要再等20天到2013/12/23 ?
[16:35:43] HUNGYU : 所以要再等60天到2013年12月23日?
[16:36:14] HUNGYU : 我付錢到現在都已70多天了
[16:36:19] HUNGYU : 你們的規定是付錢
[16:36:23] HUNGYU : 你們不出貨
[16:36:29] HUNGYU : 客人要退款
[16:36:33] HUNGYU : 要付款後超過100天才能退款是嗎?
[16:37:19] Julian: Don't worry sir it's not gonna ship it will refund it
[16:37:53] HUNGYU : 不是你的錢,你當然不會擔心
[16:38:16] HUNGYU : 為什麼之前的客服說七日
[16:38:35] HUNGYU : 之前的線上人員說10月23日退款
[16:38:42] HUNGYU : 七個工作天內退回PAYPAL
[16:40:11] Julian: SIr we already refund your money and as per PayPal yourpayment is beyond 60 days so that PayPal will process it as of 60 days more
[16:40:32] HUNGYU : 但是我有向PAYPAL確認過
[16:40:41] HUNGYU : PAYPAL說更本沒有收到你們退款的通知
[16:40:49] HUNGYU : 要不要我秀PAYPAL的信件給你們看?
[16:42:31] Julian: Sir your processing for refund 23/10/2013 and you still needto wait
[16:43:04] HUNGYU : 你說你們有處理有通知PAYPAL
[16:43:13] HUNGYU : 但是我向PAYPAL求証卻沒有通知
[16:43:30] HUNGYU : 這樣的謊言叫我如何放心?
[16:45:48] Julian: Sir PayPal will send you an email because we already send anrefund form to them
[16:46:21] HUNGYU : 何時發的?
[16:46:30] HUNGYU : 你們何時發給PAYPAL?
[17:07:10] Julian: Sir we already send an refund to them as of 23/10/2013
[17:10:00] HUNGYU : 你們是今天才發的吧?
[17:15:21] Julian: Yes sir
[17:15:43] HUNGYU : 所以之前都是欺騙
[17:15:44] HUNGYU : 對吧?
[17:18:05] Julian: NO sir.
[17:18:30] HUNGYU : 怎麼說話前後不一
[17:18:54] HUNGYU : 你說10月23日就通知PAYPAL了
[17:19:19] HUNGYU : 我多次和PAYPAL確認過,你們並沒有通知
[17:19:29] HUNGYU : 剛才我才收到PAYPAL的通知,
[17:19:38] HUNGYU : 我才問你,你們是今天才發給PAYPAL
[17:19:40] HUNGYU : 你也說對
[17:19:53] HUNGYU : 這不是說法反覆嗎?
[17:20:04] HUNGYU : 而且,
[17:20:14] HUNGYU : 你們也不是主動的發給PAYPAL
[17:20:37] HUNGYU : 是我將你們客服的對談內容、沒有出貨的証據給PAYPAL
[17:20:46] HUNGYU : 由PAYPAL主動調查你們
[17:20:49] HUNGYU : 你們才退款的
[17:20:53] HUNGYU : 對不對?
[17:21:17] HUNGYU : 如果你還有良心,就請老實的說…對
[17:21:54] HUNGYU : 我目前手上所有的和HOBBYKING 對話記錄與PAYPAL的來往信件資料
[17:22:01] HUNGYU : 都可以出一本書了…
[17:22:19] HUNGYU : 書名叫:HOBBYKING最大的謊言
[17:22:32] HUNGYU : 你覺的好不好?還是有更好的書名可以給我?
[17:24:00] Julian: Sir again your payment beyond 60 days. We already processyour refund and that's we're telling you to wait for it to your PayPal account.Can you translate your chat to english
[17:24:19] HUNGYU : 你又不是看不懂中文
[17:24:22] HUNGYU : 你是香港人
[17:24:29] HUNGYU : 香港人不懂中文?
[17:27:20] Julian: Sorry sir we just need to read it as english that's why I'mreplying as english sir
[17:27:54] HUNGYU : 總之…你算是唯一有一點點老實的人
[17:28:20] HUNGYU : 因為你有老實的說出你們是今天才通知PAYPAL退款
[17:28:37] HUNGYU : 雖然我不知道你是因為良心?還是因為不小心說出實話。
The transcript will be sent to "HUNGYU0908@SEED.NET.TW".
The visitor has left the chat.
The chat is ended.

發表於 2013年11月5日 05:33 PM | 顯示全部樓層
artlesstw 發表於 2013年11月4日 05:35 PM

這家公司已經用 拖 做為處理事情的最高指導原則了。

看來要有本事像您這樣鍥而不捨,完全把與HK客服套話的紀錄備份提供給PayPal, 讓PayPal去給HK一刀斃命才要得到錢了。

發表於 2013年11月15日 07:20 PM | 顯示全部樓層
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